Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chapter 3: The First Gatsby Party

Chapter three Nick attend his first Gatsby Party after being invited. The party is amazing, but the same as the party at Toms house before. This is going to be a trend I think because everyone is the same. People don't have  a personality. Nick i'm guessing feel out of place at first because he doesn't know anyone at the party. After a while though he meets a man at a table who recognized him from the war. The man introduces himself as Jay Gatsby.
This even left me with a lot of questions. I really wonder why Gatsby is so hidden at his own party. Does he try to observe his parties to make them better? or is he looking for a certain person? Hopefully my questions will be answers but i think its very odd that Gatsby is sitting at a table rather than showing off his amazing house to his unknown guests. The people who attend Gatsby's party seem life less. The more they drink the louder and more obnoxious they get.
Nick notices this and starts getting sorta upset towards the end of the chapter. While walking home he sees a man who has crashed his car in a ditch. The man Craws out and has no idea what is going on because he is so drunk. This shocks Nick later because he take a look at his life and says He work too and doesn't party all the time.
" the very gradually part by part a pale dangling individual stepped out of the wreck pawing tentatively at the ground with a large uncertain dancing shoe" p54

1 comment:

  1. I really agree with everything that you said for the most part. I liked that you talked about how fake the people are and how you think they will never change throughout the story. I also thought it was very weird how Gatsby did not really attend his own parties. I was thinking maybe that he just has these parties to make himself look good. I also think another reason you do not see Gatsby at his own parties could maybe be that he just has them hoping a certain person would find out about them and maybe show up.
